Mô tả
ES (Eternal Sabbath) is a manga series by Fuyumi Soryo. It follows the story of Mine Kujo, a neurological specialist, who discovers Ryosuke Akiba, a genetically engineered human with the ES gene. The ES gene grants the carrier up to 200 years of life and the power of mind-control and memory-alteration. Together, Mine and Ryosuke pursue a dangerous escaped ES-carrier. The series explores themes of immortality, identity, and morality. The characters include Ryosuke, who was created in the National Hygienic Laboratory and has the power to hack into minds; Mine, an intelligent neurology professor with resistance to mind control; Izaku, a clone of Ryosuke; and Shinichiro Sakaki, a researcher who cannot be manipulated by Ryosuke's powers. The National Hygienic Laboratory plays a significant role in the story as the organization behind the creation of genetically engineered humans. The manga explores complex moral questions and delves into the consequences of playing God.