They Were Eleven

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They Were Eleven is a Japanese science fiction manga series written and illustrated by Moto Hagio. It was serialized in three issues of Shogakukan's Bessatsu Shōjo Comic magazine in 1975. It won the 21st Shogakukan Manga Award in the combined shōjo and shōnen category. The series has inspired a live-action television film, an anime film, multiple stage plays, and an audio drama CD. It also inspired a sequel manga series, Zoku Jūichinin Iru! Higashi no Chihei, Nishi no Towa (続・11人いる!東の地平・西の永遠, "They Were Eleven, Continued: Horizon of the East, Eternity of the West"), serialized in Bessatsu Shōjo Comic magazine from 1976 to 1977.